Welcome to our page for our Holland Lop does. Currently, we have three prize winning and high quality Holland does, and though they aren't for sale, some of their offspring are.
*We are currently looking to buy another doe, to add some color variety to our barn, so if you've got a Holland Lop that you'd consider selling, please contact us. *
Dee's Edna Lady
Dee's Edna Lady was our first rabbit at Cherry Tree. She originally came from another rabbitry that was selling all of their Hollands. She is a quality showmanship rabbit, and is very friendly. Her litters have gone on to be high quality and prize winning. She is a great dam, and has fostered kits from other litters.
Grayson's Sweetie Spaz
Grayson's Sweetie Spaz is the daughter of Dee's Edna Lady. At first, she was mildly aggressive, but after she had a litter or two, she calmed down and now loves cuddles and forehead scratches. She won best bred by exhibtor at the 2019 Orleans County 4-H fair, and one of her kits won best of breed. Now, she's one of the best rabbits at Cherry Tree.
Grayson's Kibby
Grayson's Kibby is the daughter of Grayson's Flying Fred and Grayson's Sweetie Spaz. She is still young, only a few months old, and so we are hoping that her ears will flop the way Holland Lop ears are supposed to. If they don't she has still got an excellent body, and is sure to bring in a few ribbons at local 4-H shows.